

We want your visit with us to be a pleasant one.

Whether you heard of us from a friend, are coming from a different congregation, or perhraps you have never visited a group of God's people before, what matters most is that you are always welcome and invited to worship with us here.

As you plan your visit, you may have questions about what to expect. We aim to keep things simple and straigtforward to ensure that you are well informed before you arrive.

Our worship respectfully aims to give reverence to God through Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual songs guided by our song leaders. Our singing of these praises is done acapella (singing without use of any played music or musical instruments); we praise God and lift one another through these moments of encouraging songs. Each Sunday we hear lessons brought to us by our evangelist, Jeff Henderson. His lessons aim to guide us in Exalting the Lord, Edifying the Body, and Evangelizing the World as we go about our daily lives as Christians.

We welcome you to worship with us any Sunday, or any other time we have classes or events, whether  you are a member, a family member or friend, or just curious to know more about Jesus Christ and His church.